Autumn 1 week 2 2023

What a fantastic start to Pear class we have all had! We are becoming very settled into our new school routines and have managed lots of new changes incredibly well!
This week has seen us learn our first five speed sounds- m, a, s, d and t. We are all keen to practise the formation of these letters at home on our sheets we will bring back today!
Next week will see us start to read words with these letters in and continue to learn a new sound a day, including formation and pronunciation.

In our maths this week we have been exploring our fabulous areas of provision and getting used to our new resources, whilst focussing on shape and number too.

In Drawing Club we have been reading the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and creating some brilliant pictures after having a go at ‘Action Time!’

We have been super sporty too this week as we have been beginning to think about how animals move and having a go at some movements of our own both indoors and outdoors.

In our topic learning we have been thinking about our families and how all families are unique. We have been making some amazing 2D creations which you will see on display in our home corner. If you haven’t already done so, please bring a photo in for our display of families. Our RE we have been thinking about ‘Being special’ and where we belong. We talked about the different things that make us all feel special and had a go at drawing pictures of these things.

We can’t wait to welcome all our Pear friends back again on Monday! Until then, have a lovely weekend,

The Pear class team