Blog 6 - 19th October

Although it's been a bit of a wet start to the week, the children have worked super hard learning all about Harvest. The children have enjoyed learning about the importance of farmers during Harvest time and the machines that they might use. 
The children have particularly loved watching videos of farmers in their fields harvesting the wheat. They were fascinated by the combine harvesters and tractors and trailers. We looked closely at the machines and talked about the different parts. Afterwards we had a go at making our own farm vehicles outside! Next week we will be continuing our learning about farm machines and having a go at recreating them using junk model materials. Please can I ask that you bring in some junk model materials so your child can make their own farm machine model - in particular cardboard cereal boxes (ones which haven't contained nuts in) egg boxes and cardboard kitchen roll tubes (no toilet roll tubes for hygiene reasons.) 
In our mathematical work, now that most of us can count in order, we had a go at counting out set amounts. The task was to count out the correct amount of farm animals to put on the farm. Most of us counted in order but really struggled counting out a set amount. A lot of the children didn't understand they had to stop counting when they reached the number I asked for. So, lots of super counting in order but not a set amount. Keep practicing counting out sets at home. For example, could you ask your child to count out 4 knives and forks for dinner time or can they count out 8 socks for everyone in the family.
In free play the children have enjoyed role playing with the farm animals and wheat from the farmer's field, developing their scissor skills by cutting out farm animal pictures and sticking them onto farms , creating Autumn and Harvest pictures and making Autumn animal shelters using loose parts.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember you can bring in your carved pumpkin to be judged next week!
Ms Farrar