Blog 12 - 9th December

Apple Class has been a hive of activity this week with our Christmas preparations well underway.  We’ve been making some wonderful Christmas crafts that we’ll bring home to share with you at the end of our last week.  The children really have been so busy and have thoroughly enjoyed making things for the special people in their lives! 


During circle time the children have shared their festive traditions and are super excited to talk about Santa coming soon! This week, we have been learning about the story celebrated by Christians all over the world, the Nativity. The children have been ordering events from the Christmas story and attempting to re-tell this in their own words, focusing particularly on important characters, (Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, angels, three kings, shepherds)   


We have read the story, several times throughout the week working on recall, the characters, vocabulary and story sequencing. The children have done a super job at remembering the key parts and from the story and are now able to talk about why Christians celebrate Christmas and receive presents. 


To embed this learning, we have sang songs about the Christmas story,  used small world figures to talk about the story and have built stables during our free play using blocks. If you would like to watch the nativity video at home so your child can tell you about what they have been learning please follow this link-


 We can't wait to welcome some of you into school on Friday next week - to share some Christmas songs around our Christmas tree  - you really wont be disappointed. If you have selected this day on the Google form,  arrive for 10 and we'll get ready to sing from 10.15.  (If you could please come through the main office so you can sign in) the children will be getting ready and prepared and will meet you in the hall. 


Have a great weekend everyone! Wrap up warm its getting a big chilly now. 


Mrs Farrar and Mrs Grimes