Reading in Sycamore Class

 Our Love of Reading 

In Sycamore Class we love to explore books, throughout our school week we have many exciting opportunities to read.

Whether it’s reading independently, winding down after a busy lunch time or at the end of the day when Miss Ridley reads our class book ‘The Consequence Girl’, we always find time to read our favourite books.


One of our favourite time of the week is when we visit the school library to choose our ‘Reading for Pleasure’ books. As well as the school library, we have access to our very own online eLibrary platform, where we can listen to audio books and borrow electronic copies of both fiction and non fiction.  

Each half term, we have fantastic time pairing up with Pear Class sharing some of our favourite stories and characters.

Every term we take the opportunity to walk down to the Alnwick Library where we can choose a selection of books to borrow for the classroom.