Week 4-29.9.23
Another great week was had by us all! Here are some highlights...
Our book of the week was ‘The Train Ride’, linked to our transport theme for these next few weeks.
-Reception children turned Plum class garden turned into a fantastic train station this week as we enjoyed role play linked to train travel. We made our own tickets, talked about what we might see on our journey and whether or not some of us had ever been on a real train before.
-Year One children learned all about George Stephenson and the important role he played in train travel.
This week we also celebrated European day of languages. We found out some brilliant facts about the town we are twinned with in France- Lagny sur-Marne and we went on to make fantastic art centred around the local town landmarks. We also had fun making our own french flags!
In P.E we ssssslithered like snakes around the hall as we explored snakes as our jungle animal this week. We also practised some really important, but tricky skills- skipping, hopping and jumping. Why not practise these things on the way home!
Our receptions friends have been learning new sounds this week in Read, Write Inc- ‘o’, ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘u’ and ‘b’. We will have our sounds writing practise sheets with us at the end of the week to take home. There is no need to return these to school, but please do practise at home, starting to form the letter in the correct place.
Our maths for Reception this week saw us matching socks in pairs. We were excellent at finding socks which belonged together and pegged them on the washing line using our pinchy fingers. We have been thinking carefully about things that match this week.
Maths for year one children was all about representation this week. We spent time thinking about what this means and then we had a go at representing pictorial amounts on tens frames using counters. We will keep exploring representation throughout this term.
In Jigsaw we thought about being part of Plum class and how it’s very important to share and the reasons why. Our questions to think about this week were ‘How does it make you feel when someone won’t share with you?’ and ‘Why should we look after our classroom?’- we had some brilliant ideas.
A great week had by all!
Please remember to tell staff if there is someone different collecting your child from school.
Have a lovely weekend- Plum class team