Curriculum Intent Statement

Our curriculum provides stimulating experiences within the classroom, the extensive outdoor environment and through the careful selection of educational visits both within Northumberland and beyond which inspire pupils’ learning. Our cross curricular approach allows pupils to apply their skills of English and mathematics across the whole curriculum. This enables our children to appreciate the relevance of core skills and supports the development of mastery within these subjects and their application within real life contexts.

We have an established broad and balanced curriculum which is organised on a two year cycle throughout key stages 1 and 2. Over the past five years the curriculum has responded to children’s interests, notable events, significant data trends and current cohort issues. It has an effective focus on developing and applying pupils’ reading, literacy and numeracy skills in order to demonstrate understanding and application of knowledge and skills. This connectivity enables our children to learn more and remember more. Leaders also adapt the curriculum to give pupils meaningful experiences, such as educational visits which develop enthusiasm for learning and create memories.

We are particularly pleased with the way we have developed our topic curriculum so that skills are sequential whilst allowing for flexibility of content. Our curriculum plan has been well designed and is well constructed with clear medium term plans which plan for outdoor learning opportunities, enquiry based learning, application of learning in real life contexts and scientific investigations.

Our curriculum meets the needs of our disadvantaged pupils by being practical, creative and it includes lots of discussion and visual stimulus. There are many visits and themed days to bring the curriculum to life and enrich learning. The curriculum is supported by high quality engaging texts. All of these things improve the cultural capital of all pupils.

Our SEND pupils are served well by our curriculum because of the targeted support and interventions they receive. The school has a commitment to equal opportunities for all pupils to access all it has to offer.

More able pupils are challenged further through research, debate and enquiry. They are given opportunity to reason and problem solve across the curriculum.
