History in KS1

Children in KS1 develop their chronological understanding from the basic, personal chronology in the EYFS to being able to order events which happened in the past. Children also study significant individuals in the past and changes in their locality. Teachers ensure that there is a broad range of engaging and academically rigorous activities across the different topics studied.
In addition to the polar explorers, children in KS1 learn about Grace Darling, who is a significant individual from our locality in Northumberland. Here, the children are re-enacting Grace and her father's story using our outdoor learning environment (thankfully the waves and the storm had to be purely imaginary).
Class teachers plan engaging educational visits to support and develop the learning in class. Here, the children are experiencing the effects of change in living memory in our local town; tying into the 'All Aboard' topic. The original Aln Valley Railway was closed in the 1950s before work began to rebuild it as a tourist attraction in 2012.