Head Teacher's Blog 03.10.22
2nd October 2022
We have so much to be grateful for at Swansfield Park, not least our lovely children. Last week we had several visitors in school including our Chair of Governors, a School Improvement Officer and the photographer. Everyone commented about the positive behaviour, respect and good manners of the children and Michelle Fowler even asked us to pass on her thanks for the courtesy shown to her - well done everyone, we are very proud of you.
We are also fortunate to have such a lovely outdoor environment which once again has received a Gold Medal from the Northumbria in Bloom judges who praised the outside teaching area, the class gardens, forest school and all of our wildlife habitats, they are looking forward to seeing our Jubilee Garden which was just at the planning stage when they visited.
Having things to look forward to is also really important, this week we have Maple Class’s assembly on Thursday at 2:30pm. Then we have our Harvest celebrations just before half term.
Please send in any contributions to our Harvest Gallery such as photos, paintings, poems and models by Monday 17th October so that we can display them. As in recent years we are only collecting dried and canned foods which we’ll gift to the Alnwick Food Bank, please send in your donations on Tuesday 18th October. On Wednesday 19th October we will hold 3 Harvest Assemblies; Infant assembly (reception, years 1 and 2) will be at 9:15am, Lower Key Stage 2
(years 3 and 4) will be at 10:15am and Upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6) at 2:00pm.
The Friends are busy organising some fun Halloween events which will start with a pumpkin carving competition, drop your entries into school between 12th and 14th October with £1. There will be a prize for each class.
There have been some interesting hairstyles and accessories on show this term, please remember that children should have natural hair colour and discrete bobbles and hair bands. We will be using the field throughout the winter so please can you send in a pair of wellies or outdoor shoes.
Well done to our stars who have impressed us this week, they are Aria Hughes, Noah Tully, Joshua Stalker, Elanor Towers, Tristan White, Abigail Wilson, Georgia McVey, Jonathan Waite, Charlie Hume, Freya McNee, Nathan Doherty and Isabel Foggon.
FOSP exciting events before half term
We all enjoyed singing along to Autumn Days when we came into assemblies last week, this week’s music is another autumn inspired song. Autumn Sea is a song written by a good friend of Swansfield’s, Cheryl Camm. There’s so much to listen out for but we really enjoy listening to the two main tunes sung against each other - a feast for the ears. We think It’s just like waves breaking at the rocks one after the other or seagulls diving down to the sea one after the other. What do you think? Even better, the pictures are from Warkworth beach!
Finally the whole school attendance still stands at 96.4% - with a super effort let’s see if we can reach 97% by the end of half term. Willow class are the winners with 99.2% - come on everyone let’s catch them up!
Bye for now,
Mrs Smith and Mrs Grimes