Head Teacher's Blog 24.06.24

23rd June 2024

It was all about getting ‘out and about’ last week! We started the week with KS1 heading to Alnwick Castle for the day to bring all that they had learnt about castles and the excellent example that we have on our doorstep to life! The children had a fabulous day, many telling me that their favourite part was the storming of the barbican and the ferocious battle between England and Scotland! Then on Thursday, it was Years 5 and 6 who headed out, a bit further afield, to Eden Camp. This was a wonderful opportunity to consolidate and grow their learning and understanding of life during WW2. 

As a staff team we would like to say a HUGE thank you to our fabulous parent and community volunteers who came along on these trips, as they have, on so many more throughout the year. We could not offer the opportunities we do without the time that they give up to come and support us. If you are interested in volunteering on some of our trips out, pop to the office to find a bit more information, or have a word with your child’s class teacher. 

Apple class held their sports days last week, thanks to all who came along. The children so enjoyed showing off their sporting skills as you cheered and clapped for them. Thanks also to our wonderful Castle Captains who supported their younger friends and Apple class staff so well throughout these events. 

We finished our class assemblies for the year in style as Pear class entertained us with their memory walk through the seasons and their year in Pear class. A super way to show us how they have grown in so many ways since last September. Thank you Pears! 

Our Pears and Plums had a wonderful time on Friday morning when they welcomed Amanda Wooldridge and her team from the Alnwick Gallery into school to create some art together. The children worked on some floral inspiration which will soon be an installation in the market place… watch this space for more details! And, thanks to Amanda for bringing this great opportunity our way! 

Let's take a look at the week to come:

  • We have some UKS2 children heading out to Whittingham primary on Wednesday for a football tournament. We’ll bring you the results next week! 

  • It’s watersports day at Druridge Bay for our Y5s on Thursday. 

  • Our Y3s who are participating in The Air We Breathe will be heading back out to  Playhouse on Friday afternoon and performing there on Friday evening. We’ll send out a reminder of the final arrangements early in the week. 

Our attendance for last week was 93.2% and Ash class were our top attenders with 98.5%- well done! 

Here’s a round up of our stars of the week, a huge well done goes to Henry Warburton, Freddie Tutleman, Sophia Neal, Albie Conroy, Haigan Potter, Lucy Chatterton, Nadiia Ratiieva, Alfie Gardner, Will Ross, Daisy Oliver, Phoebe-Plum Beere, Seb Metcalf, Jack Frater, Alisha Howd and Sophia Eddy. 

See you in the week, 

Mrs G