Head Teacher's Blog 08.07.24

7th July 2024

I have to begin this week by thanking our whole school community for the wonderful summer fair that so many of us enjoyed on Saturday. The sun shone (for most of the time!), everyone who came enjoyed the games and stalls, there was fabulous hospitality from the kitchen and the choir sang well to entertain the crowds! Thank you to everyone who donated items to make the event a success and thank you to staff and Friends of Swansfield helpers who came along on a Saturday and volunteered their time on what was a very busy weekend for so many people. I would like to especially thank Rachael Goodfellow, Kirsty Hume and Jess McArdle, without whose hard work, this event, and indeed all of the other Friends events this year, simply wouldn’t have happened. We are enormously grateful for all that you have done. I’m absolutely delighted to let everyone know that we raised a whopping £2371.52. This is a magnificent total and will do a lot of great work for all children in our school. 

In other wonderful news, Swansfield had many winners in this year’s Alnwick in Bloom competition. Mylah Smith and Grace Schmidberger both won first place, Evelyn Baker won second place and Lily Mallaburn won third place in their age categories. Harrison Knox was awarded a highly commended prize. These children were invited to the presentation evening for the Alnwick in Bloom competition on Wednesday 3rd July at Alnwick Gardens. Well done to you all!

Sports Day for KS2 was a great success on Friday with the children all enjoying the competition. Thank you to all family members who came to support this event. It was Bamburgh Castle who finished the morning in top place but by the end of the afternoon, Warkworth had taken the lead and were crowned winners for 2024. 

Let’s take a look at the week to come: 

  • We are really looking forward to our Rock Steady concerts on Monday. Family and friends of our Rock Steady crews are welcome to join us for either the 13.45 or 14.30 performance. 

  • Our Year 6 children head back to DCHS on Wednesday for a PE day. Children should wear PE kit, bring a packed lunch and water bottle and are reminded that like us, DCHS is a nut free school. 

  • It’s the turn of our KS1 children to enjoy sports day on Friday. The fun will start at 13.30 and the gates will open for family and friends at 13.15. Children are reminded to come to school in their PE kit and to ensure that they have a water bottle and sun hat. 

As we look forward to the end of term and leavers’ events for our Year 6 children, here are a few important dates: Leavers Party will be held on Tuesday 16th July starting at 17.30. On Wednesday 17th July, we will welcome Y6 family members into school for a final roast lunch. Then, on Friday 19th July, the children will enjoy a special lunch with their friends followed by Leavers’ Assembly at 13.45. 

Let’s take a look at this week’s stars of the week. A very big well done to: Cerys Quilliam, Penny Brabben, Emily Oxley, Liv Robson, Noah Porteous, Hugo Hughes, Kye Campbell, Ollie Findler, Tiana Cairns and Ella Armstrong. We are very proud of you all. 

I’m sure many of you will be eagerly awaiting England’s next football match on Wednesday evening. Here’s a tune to cheer them on: 


See you in the week, 

Mrs G

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