Head Teachers' Blog 16.01.23

15th January 2023

We have had a calm start to the spring term and as we go around school it is pleasing to see that most of the children are focused on their learning.

We are expecting a stormy week ahead weather wise so please watch out for notifications via facebook or text and make sure that we have up to date contact information.

School based clubs begin this week. On Monday, Choir will be dismissed from the main entrance. Lego, Eco, Terrific Scientific, Journalism, Bitza and Coding will all be released from the Park Gate.  Let’s Get Cooking and Lingo club will both be dismissed from the Main Entrance on Thursday evening. All of these clubs will  finish at 3.45pm. 

All music lessons are back on as are the NUF sports clubs (children will all be dismissed from the main entrance). 

This week we are looking forward to Rowan Class assembly on Thursday at 2.30pm.

Well done to all the children in Bamburgh Castle, they were our winning castle team for the Autumn term and their treat will be a game of bingo on Friday morning. 

As we strive to run a tight ship we would appreciate your support on the following matters:

  • Please ensure that children remove nail varnish and earrings as these should not be worn in school.

  • Please notify the office or class teacher if someone else will be picking your child up.

  • Can we kindly ask parents and carers to park considerately and ensure that they do not block driveways or leave so little space that residents cannot easily manoeuvre their vehicles -  a resident of Park View has contacted school to express concern over parking at school pick up and drop off time. 

Well done to our weekly stars who have made a great start to the term they are; Eli Purvis, Myla Packard, Alexis Hogg, Rohan Roberts, Hugo Hughes, Libby Murdy, Erin Campbell, Grace Chatterton, Harvey Robinson, Fraser Allan, Primrose Shotton and Riley Wightman.

A well done also goes to Olivia in UKS2 who was able to explain the term pizzicato during assembly. As a violinist herself, she knew that the term pizzicato informs musicians that they must ‘pluck’. We all enjoyed listening to the plucking in the Pizzicato Polka! Leading on from this, here is Hallelujah played by the group 2Cellos. What do you notice about the way the cellos are played in this piece?


Usually the Spring term is the one that has the most coughs and sneezes so we will be monitoring the attendance carefully. There are so many exciting events happening that we’re sure children will not want to miss! This week the whole school attendance is on target at 95% and Oak achieved an impressive attendance of 98.3% - well done.

Bye for now

Mrs Smith and Mrs Grimes

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