Head Teacher's Blog 01.07.24

30th June 2024

Lots to tell you about from last week!

On Wednesday afternoon, two football teams from Year 6 headed out to represent Swansfield at a local schools football tournament hosted by Whittingham Primary School. Both teams played well in their group games, showing good teamwork and sportsmanship. Our purple team made it through to the final where they played superbly to come out victorious and bring football home to Swansfield! Well done to all the children involved - you were a credit to our school.  

On Thursday, Year 5 headed to Druridge Bay for a day of water sports. Many of the children felt nervous as they headed off but put their absolute all into successfully giving each activity a go. The children came back feeling very proud of themselves and full of tales about the fun they’d had! 

On Friday, our Year 3s headed back to the Playhouse for their final rehearsal of The Air We Breathe ahead of the evening performance. The children shone on stage and enjoyed every minute of the experience. 

Also on Friday, Larch and Rowan classes had the opportunity to see the Premier League trophy as it visited Alnwick. The children went along to St Paul’s primary to catch a glimpse of the all important piece of silverware, listened really carefully as they found out about how it is looked after and the secrecy around where it is kept. They then had the chance to ask questions and did so, as we would expect, with articulation and keen interest. 

My thanks to all staff members and volunteers who went out and about with our children this week, allowing them to have such memorable days. This, in many cases, involved staff working through their lunchtime or beyond their afternoon finish time. I’m very grateful to all those who gave their time willingly to support our children. 

Let’s take a look at the week ahead: 

  • It’s roll-up day on Wednesday and children will have the chance to spend time in their allocated class for next year. All children should go to their current classroom, as normal, for the beginning of the school day and should be collected from their current classroom at the end of the day. Our Year 6 children will be visiting DCHS and should come to school, in Swansfield uniform, at the usual time, ready for Swansfield staff to walk them to the high school for the day. Children will be back at Swansfield for the end of our school day. 

  • We can all ‘wear what we want’ on Thursday in exchange for a bottle or tombola prize for our school fair on Saturday. Please note that if your child has PE on Thursday, they should come to school in something that is suitable for sporting activity. 

  • Some of our Pear and Plum children will be heading to Alnwick Playhouse on Thursday for a story session. 

  • We know there’s an important election coming up on Thursday for the whole country but at Swansfield, we’ve got an important election too! Our Year 5s have been carefully considering whether they wish to stand for head boy or head girl, preparing election presentations and sharing these throughout school. All children will have the opportunity to vote and we can’t wait to bring you the results of the democratic process!

  • It’s KS2 sports day on Friday! For children in Years 3 and 4, the sporting activity begins at 10.00 and the gates will open around 09.45 for families to come and join us. The baton is then passed to Years 5 and 6 who will begin competing at 13.30, with the winning castle being crowned just before 15.00. Gates will open for the afternoon session at around 13.15 for families to come along and join us. 

  • Please join us for our annual Summer fair at 10.00 this coming Saturday, 6th July. £1.50 adult entry, free for children. Can we also ask that anyone who is able to help, gets in touch with our Friends of Swansfield. You can do this by responding on the FOSP Facebook page or by popping into the school office and leaving some contact details. Please continue to sell raffle tickets and bring money and ticket stubs back to school. Raffle prizes include: Dinky dubfest tickets, Notes of Northumberland gift, Alnwick Castle Day Pass, tickets for Round Table Beer festival, tickets for Firework Show, Oaks pub voucher, one month gym membership, Alnwick Playhouse voucher, voucher for a celebratory cake, Holz hair voucher, Grannies voucher and Barter Books voucher. Please bring donations of cakes to school on Friday or Saturday morning. On the day, there will be lots of stalls, games and refreshments for the whole family to enjoy. Choir will sing (hopefully outside) at 10.30. 

As we head into the last few weeks of term, please can I ask everyone to remember and follow our uniform policy. Children should not wear earrings for school. If absolutely necessary, children should wear plastic keepers. Children should not wear nail varnish, any form of acrylic nails or make-up. Children’s hair colour should be natural. Thanks for your support with this. 

Let’s take a look at our stars of the week. A very big well done to: Mattia Peruzzo, Harper Willoughby, Damon Leach, Emily Wilson, Annabelle Clements, Oliver Hames, Toby Chadwick, Elanor Towers, Summer Webster, Georgia McVey, Theo Thomas, Sophie Tincombe and Evan Isats. We are proud of you all!

Here’s one of the fabulous tunes that our Year 3s performed as part of their Air We Breathe performance on Friday evening ‘Heartwood’. Enjoy!


See you in the week and also at our summer fair on Saturday - thanks to our FOSP who will be working really hard this week to give our school community a wonderful event to enjoy. Keep your fingers crossed for some good weather!

Mrs G

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