Blog 29 - 14th June

Friday again Apples!
A big thank you to everyone who has now contributed to our 'summer at the seaside' shared learning. I think you can agree with me, by saying that the display looks fabulous - so colourful! The children have had great pleasure in discussing what they love to do at the seaside and the photo's have really helped 'jog' their memories! 
Our directed learning has come through from our core story this week which is 'Winnie the Witch at the Seaside.' In the story Winnie's broomstick floats away in the sea. We then had a go at exploring floating and sinking. We've tested materials to see which material floats best. The material swe tested were; wood, cotton, paper and plastic. We found that a plastic tray floated the best, but when Mrs Farrar challenged us again and gave us a plastic basket (which had holes in) we quickly realised that even through it was plastic it still sank, because of its holes! 
We had a good go at exploring this concept in the water trays outside! We then added figure people, animals, sea creatures and dinosaurs to see how many 'passengers' we could fit onto our boats before they sank! 
Maybe you could have a go at this over the weekend - bath time maybe a good idea to explore this. 
As we prepare for Sports Day next week, we've had great fun practising the skills that we'll need for each activity. We've been balancing (an object on our head,) keeping a steady hand and stepping or jumping over an object without knocking it down. We really are looking forward to showing this to you next week! An email went out during the week, informing parents that children can come to school wearing sporty wear and trainers on their specific sports day. 
Have a lovely weekend all! 
Mrs Farrar