Blog 31 - 28th June

Wednesday is Roll Up Day
(a chance for the children moving into Reception in September) to meet their new teacher in Pear or Plum class.  You should have been informed about this by now. If you are unaware of what roll up day is then please email me for more information. 
Also on Wednesday at 3.15 is the New to Reception meeting. This will be held in the main school hall - so please come in via the main office. I will be in Apple class during this time so you are encouraged to bring your child down to me, whilst you are in the hall. 
Throughout our week many children have really enjoyed sharing their beach stories and seaside treasures with us. We've seen shells, crab claws and many pebbles and stones etc. These children have had a great sense of pride as they've been telling their stories and experiences with their peers. It is also so lovely to hear the children talking confidently and with such articulation. 
Aside from all of this, we’ve squeezed in a bit of literacy too! Our focus story this week has been Sally and the Limpet, a firm favourite with our children. After lots of discussions the children really started to remember key events in the story and were able to retell it. 
We've also been using descriptive language to describe different shells. We've used words such as 'bumpy, smooth, rough and sharp.'
On Wednesday we welcomed in Luke, a Police Officer, who came in to speak to the children about his job role and how he helps protect people within our community. Luke spoke to the children about all of his equipment that he might need to use to assist his job (radio, handcuffs, torches, baton.)

He brought in a Police car for the children to see. They really enjoyed seeing the flashing lights and hearing the siren that is used in an emergency.
The children were excellent in remembering the special number we call (999) if anyone was ever to come into difficulty.

Looking forward to another great week next week! In the meantime, have a happy and healthy weekend and we'll see you on Monday. 


Mrs Farrar 

Thank you for coming into Apple Class Police Officer Luke!